Golden Forum Sponsors
Golden Sponsor 1
Golden Sponsor 1
Invitation for Sponsors and Exhibitors
It is our great pleasure to inform you that we will host the 4th World Landslide Forum (WLF) which will take place at Cankarjev dom – Cultural and Congress Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia from May 29 to June 2, 2017. The first three forums were organised in Tokyo (2008), Rome (2011), and Beijing (2014).
The WLF provides a forum for the discussion, development and exchange of ideas and presentation of scientists, engineers, and researchers/policy makers working in the area of landslide technology, landslide disaster investigation and landslide remediation. Until June 2016, we received over 500 abstracts, and the expected number of registered participants is over 500 – a wide audience is expected to attend the Forum with a diverse background and from different regions of the world and with interest into landslide disaster risk reduction.
You are kindly invited to participate in this important international Forum as sponsor and/or exhibitor, which will give you an opportunity to gather new information in the field of landslide research and mitigation. This way of promotion is the most efficient presentation of your offer as an important company, enabling you a direct acquaintance with the latest development trends and possibilities in this field.
Even though you might think that supporting such an event will not directly contribute to your business interest, we are nevertheless asking you to think about your participation, as you will support an important and developing branch of landslide research in general. Experiences of our sponsors show that indirect benefits and important business effects usually result from such sponsorships.
Take this exceptional opportunity to present your company and participate in the preparation of the congress by organising and/or sponsoring a lecture or a workshop, perhaps by inviting speakers and/or participants, advertising, exhibiting, sponsoring or suggest another type of participation. We will be glad to accept your offer.
I am looking forward to a successful cooperation in the organisation of the Forum.
Sincerely Yours
Matjaž Mikoš, WLF4 Forum Chair
Dean of Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Chairman of the Slovenian National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction
Contact person for sponsors and exhibition:
Cultural and Congress Centre
Mr. Gregor Rogač
Prešernova 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 241 7145
Fax: +386 1 241 7296
E-mail: gregor.rogac@cd-cc.si
As a sponsor and/or exhibitor, you will have the opportunity to market yourself to an international audience of those involved in the field of landslide research and mitigation.Depending on the level of sponsorship, you will be given complimentary advertising space, and display of your logo in various forum publications and around the venue. For the exhibition place in the Cankarjev Dom – Culture and Congress Centre, please, use this link or see the figure below (Foyer I).